Meeting Pearls 2
Meeting Pearls Vol. II (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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** Amiga Oberon Interface Module:
** $VER: GadTools.mod 40.15 (28.12.93) Oberon 3.0
** © 1993 by Fridtjof Siebert
** updated for V39, V40 by hartmut Goebel
MODULE GadTools;
e * := Exec,
u * := Utility,
I * := Intuition,
g * := Graphics,
gadtoolsName * = "gadtools.library";
(* The kinds (almost classes) of gadgets that GadTools supports.
* Use these identifiers when calling CreateGadgetA()
genericKind * = 0;
buttonKind * = 1;
checkBoxKind * = 2;
integerKind * = 3;
listViewKind * = 4;
mxKind * = 5;
numberKind * = 6;
cycleKind * = 7;
paletteKind * = 8;
scrollerKind * = 9;
(* Kind number 10 is reserved *)
sliderKind * = 11;
stringKind * = 12;
textKind * = 13;
numKinds * = 14;
(* 'Or' the appropriate set together for your Window IDCMPFlags: *)
arrowIDCMP * = LONGSET{I.gadgetUp,I.gadgetDown,I.intuiTicks,I.mouseButtons};
buttonIDCMP * = LONGSET{I.gadgetUp};
checkBoxIDCMP * = LONGSET{I.gadgetUp};
integerIDCMP * = LONGSET{I.gadgetUp};
listViewIDCMP * = LONGSET{I.gadgetUp,I.gadgetDown,I.mouseMove} + arrowIDCMP;
mxIDCMP * = LONGSET{I.gadgetDown};
numberIDCMP * = LONGSET{};
cycleIDCMP * = LONGSET{I.gadgetUp};
paletteIDCMP * = LONGSET{I.gadgetUp};
(* Use arrowIDCMP + scrollerIDCMP if your scrollers have arrows: *)
scrollerIDCMP * = LONGSET{I.gadgetUp,I.gadgetDown,I.mouseMove};
sliderIDCMP * = LONGSET{I.gadgetUp,I.gadgetDown,I.mouseMove};
stringIDCMP * = LONGSET{I.gadgetUp};
textIDCMP * = LONGSET{};
VisualInfo * = UNTRACED POINTER TO STRUCT END; (* returned by GetVisualInfo() *)
(* Generic NewGadget used by several of the gadget classes: *)
NewGadgetPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO NewGadget;
NewGadget * = STRUCT
leftEdge * , topEdge * : INTEGER; (* gadget position *)
width * , height * : INTEGER; (* gadget size *)
gadgetText * : e.LSTRPTR; (* gadget label *)
textAttr * : g.TextAttrPtr; (* desired font for gadget label *)
gadgetID * : INTEGER; (* gadget ID *)
flags * : LONGSET; (* see below *)
visualInfo * : VisualInfo; (* Set to retval of GetVisualInfo() *)
userData * : e.APTR; (* gadget UserData *)
(* NewGadsget.flags control certain aspects of the gadget. The first five
* the placement of the descriptive text. Each gadget kind has its default,
* which is usually PLACETEXT_LEFT. Consult the autodocs for details.
placeTextLeft * = 0; (* Right-align text on left side *)
placeTextRight * = 1; (* Left-align text on right side *)
placeTextAbove * = 2; (* Center text above *)
placeTextBelow * = 3; (* Center text below *)
placeTextIn * = 4; (* Center text on *)
highLabel * = 5; (* Highlight the label *)
(* Fill out an array of these and pass that to CreateMenus(): *)
NewMenu * = STRUCT
type * : SHORTINT; (* See below *)
label * : e.LSTRPTR; (* Menu's label *)
commKey * : e.LSTRPTR; (* MenuItem Command Key Equiv *)
flags * : SET; (* Menu or MenuItem flags (see note) *)
mutualExclude * : LONGSET; (* MenuItem MutualExclude word *)
userData * : e.APTR; (* For your own use, see note *)
(* Needed only by inside IM_ definitions below *)
menuImage * = -128;
(* nm_Type determines what each NewMenu structure corresponds to.
* for the NM_TITLE, NM_ITEM, and NM_SUB values, nm_Label should
* be a text string to use for that menu title, item, or sub-item.
* For IM_ITEM or IM_SUB, set nm_Label to point at the Image structure
* you wish to use for this item or sub-item.
* NOTE: At present, you may only use conventional images.
* Custom images created from Intuition image-classes do not work.
title * = 1; (* Menu header *)
item * = 2; (* Textual menu item *)
sub * = 3; (* Textual menu sub-item *)
imItem * = item + menuImage; (* Graphical menu item *)
imSub * = sub + menuImage; (* Graphical menu sub-item *)
(* The NewMenu array should be terminated with a NewMenu whose
* nm_Type equals NM_END.
end * = 0; (* End of NewMenu array *)
(* Starting with V39, GadTools will skip any NewMenu entries whose
* nm_Type field has the NM_IGNORE bit set.
nmIgnore * = 64;
(* nm_Label should be a text string for textual items, a pointer
* to an Image structure for graphical menu items, or the special
* constant NM_BARLABEL, to get a separator bar.
barLabel * = SYSTEM.VAL(e.LSTRPTR,-1);
(* The nm_Flags field is used to fill out either the Menu->Flags or
* MenuItem->Flags field. Note that the sense of the MENUENABLED or
* ITEMENABLED bit is inverted between this use and Intuition's use,
* in other words, NewMenus are enabled by default. The following
* labels are provided to disable them:
menuDisabled * = I.menuEnabled;
itemDisabled * = I.itemEnabled;
(* New for V39: NM_COMMANDSTRING. For a textual MenuItem or SubItem,
* point nm_CommKey at an arbitrary string, and set the NM_COMMANDSTRING
* flag.
commandString * = I.commSeq;
(* The following are pre-cleared (COMMSEQ, ITEMTEXT, and HIGHxxx are set
* later as appropriate):
* Under V39, the COMMSEQ flag bit is not cleared, since it now has
* meaning.
flagMask * = -({I.commSeq,I.itemText}+I.highFlags);
flagMaskV39 * = -({I.itemText}+I.highFlags);
(* You may choose among CHECKIT, MENUTOGGLE, and CHECKED.
* Toggle-select menuitems are of type CHECKIT|MENUTOGGLE, along
* with CHECKED if currently selected. Mutually exclusive ones
* are of type CHECKIT, and possibly CHECKED too. The nm_MutualExclude
* is a bit-wise representation of the items excluded by this one,
* so in the simplest case (choose 1 among n), these flags would be
* ~1, ~2, ~4, ~8, ~16, etc. See the Intuition Menus chapter.
(* These return codes can be obtained through the GTMN_ErrorCode tag *)
gtMenuTrimmed * = 000000001H; (* Too many menus, items, or subitems,
* menu has been trimmed down
gtMenuInvalide * = 000000002H; (* Invalid NewMenu array *)
gtMenuNoMem * = 000000003H; (* Out of memory *)
(* Starting with V39, checkboxes and mx gadgets can be scaled to your
* specified gadget width/height. Use the new GTCB_Scaled or GTMX_Scaled
* tags, respectively. Under V37, and by default in V39, the imagery
* is of the following fixed size:
(* MX gadget default dimensions: *)
mxWidth * = 17;
mxHeight * = 9;
(* Checkbox default dimensions: *)
checkboxWidth * = 26;
checkboxHeight * = 11;
(* Tags for toolkit functions: *)
tagBase * = u.user + 80000H;
viNewWindow * = tagBase+1; (* Unused *)
viNWTags * = tagBase+2; (* Unused *)
Private0 = tagBase+3; (* (private) *)
cbChecked * = tagBase+4; (* State of checkbox *)
lvTop * = tagBase+5; (* Top visible one in listview *)
lvLabels * = tagBase+6; (* List to display in listview *)
noList * = SYSTEM.VAL(e.ListPtr,-1); (* for short list locking (see RKMs) *)
lvReadOnly * = tagBase+7; (* TRUE if listview is to be
* read-only
lvScrollWidth * = tagBase+8; (* Width of scrollbar *)
mxLabels * = tagBase+9; (* NULL-terminated array of labels *)
mxActive * = tagBase+10; (* Active one in mx gadget *)
txText * = tagBase+11; (* Text to display *)
txCopyText * = tagBase+12; (* Copy text label instead of referencing it *)
nmNumber * = tagBase+13; (* Number to display *)
cyLabels * = tagBase+14; (* NULL-terminated array of labels *)
cyActive * = tagBase+15; (* The active one in the cycle gad *)
paDepth * = tagBase+16; (* Number of bitplanes in palette *)
paColor * = tagBase+17; (* Palette color *)
paColorOffset * = tagBase+18; (* First color to use in palette *)
paIndicatorWidth * = tagBase+19; (* Width of current-color indicator *)
paIndicatorHeight * = tagBase+20; (* Height of current-color indicator *)
scTop * = tagBase+21; (* Top visible in scroller *)
scTotal * = tagBase+22; (* Total in scroller area *)
scVisible * = tagBase+23; (* Number visible in scroller *)
scOverlap * = tagBase+24; (* Unused *)
(* tagBase+25 through tagBase+37 are reserved *)
slMin * = tagBase+38; (* Slider min value *)
slMax * = tagBase+39; (* Slider max value *)
slLevel * = tagBase+40; (* Slider level *)
slMaxLevelLen * = tagBase+41; (* Max length of printed level *)
slLevelFormat * = tagBase+42; (* Format string for level *)
slLevelPlace * = tagBase+43; (* Where level should be placed *)
slDispFunc * = tagBase+44; (* Callback for number calculation
* before display
stString * = tagBase+45; (* String gadget's displayed string *)
stMaxChars * = tagBase+46; (* Max length of string *)
inNumber * = tagBase+47; (* Number in integer gadget *)
inMaxChars * = tagBase+48; (* Max number of digits *)
mnTextAttr * = tagBase+49; (* MenuItem font TextAttr *)
mnFrontPen * = tagBase+50; (* MenuItem text pen color *)
bbRecessed * = tagBase+51; (* Make BevelBox recessed *)
visualInfo * = tagBase+52; (* result of VisualInfo call *)
lvShowSelected * = tagBase+53; (* show selected entry beneath
* listview, set tag data = NULL for display-only, or pointer
* to a string gadget you've created
lvSelected * = tagBase+54; (* Set ordinal number of selected
* entry in the list
Reserved1 * = tagBase+56; (* Reserved for future use *)
txBorder * = tagBase+57; (* Put a border around
* Text-display gadgets
nmBorder * = tagBase+58; (* Put a border around
* Number-display gadgets
scArrows * = tagBase+59; (* Specify size of arrows for
* scroller
mnMenu * = tagBase+60; (* Pointer to Menu for use by
* LayoutMenuItems()
mxSpacing * = tagBase+61; (* Added to font height to
* figure spacing between mx choices. Use this instead
* of LAYOUTA_SPACING for mx gadgets.
(* New to V37 GadTools. Ignored by GadTools V36 *)
fullMenu * = tagBase+62; (* Asks CreateMenus() to validate that this
* is a complete menu structure
secondaryError * = tagBase+63; (* ti_Data is a pointer to a ULONG to receive
* error reports from CreateMenus()
underscore * = tagBase+64; (* ti_Data points to the symbol that preceeds
* the character you'd like to underline in a
* gadget label
stEditHook * = tagBase+55; (* String EditHook *)
inEditHook * = stEditHook; (* Same thing, different name, just to
* round out INTEGER_KIND gadgets
(* New to V39 GadTools. Ignored by GadTools V36 and V37 *)
mnCheckMark * = tagBase+65; (* ti_Data is checkmark img to use *)
mnAmigaKey * = tagBase+66; (* ti_Data is Amiga-key img to use *)
mnNewLookMenus * = tagBase+67; (* ti_Data is boolean *)
(* New to V39 GadTools. Ignored by GadTools V36 and V37.
* Set to TRUE if you want the checkbox or mx image scaled to
* the gadget width/height you specify. Defaults to FALSE,
* for compatibility.
cbScaled * = tagBase+68; (* ti_Data is boolean *)
mxScaled * = tagBase+69; (* ti_Data is boolean *)
paNumColors * = tagBase+70; (* Number of colors in palette *)
mxTitlePlace * = tagBase+71; (* Where to put the title *)
txFrontPen * = tagBase+72; (* Text color in TEXT_KIND gad *)
txBackPen * = tagBase+73; (* Bgrnd color in TEXT_KIND gad *)
txJustification * = tagBase+74; (* See GTJ_#? constants *)
nmFrontPen * = tagBase+72; (* Text color in NUMBER_KIND gad *)
nmBackPen * = tagBase+73; (* Bgrnd color in NUMBER_KIND gad *)
nmJustification * = tagBase+74; (* See GTJ_#? constants *)
nmFormat * = tagBase+75; (* Formatting string for number *)
nmMaxNumberLen * = tagBase+76; (* Maximum length of number *)
bbFrameType * = tagBase+77; (* defines what kind of boxes
* DrawBevelBox() renders. See
* the BBFT_#? constants for
* possible values
lvMakeVisible * = tagBase+78; (* Make this item visible *)
lvItemHeight * = tagBase+79; (* Height of an individual item *)
slMaxPixelLen * = tagBase+80; (* Max pixel size of level display *)
slJustification * = tagBase+81; (* how should the level be displayed *)
paColorTable * = tagBase+82; (* colors to use in palette *)
lvCallBack * = tagBase+83; (* general-purpose listview call back *)
lvMaxPen * = tagBase+84; (* maximum pen number used by call back *)
txClipped * = tagBase+85; (* make a TEXT_KIND clip text *)
nmClipped * = tagBase+85; (* make a NUMBER_KIND clip text *)
(* Old definition, now obsolete: *)
Reserved0 * = stEditHook;
(* Justification types for GTTX_Justification and GTNM_Justification tags *)
jLeft * = 0;
jRight * = 1;
jCenter * = 2;
(* Bevel box frame types for GTBB_FrameType tag *)
bbftButton * = 1; (* Standard button gadget box *)
bbftRidge * = 2; (* Standard string gadget box *)
bbftIconDropBox * = 3; (* Standard icon drop box *)
(* Typical suggested spacing between "elements": *)
interWidth * = 8;
interHeight * = 4;
(* "nWay" is an old synonym for cycle gadgets *)
nWAYKind * = cycleKind;
nwLabels * = cyLabels;
nwActive * = cyActive;
(* These two definitions are obsolete, but are here for backwards
* compatibility. You never need to worry about these:
gadToolBit * = 08000H;
(* These definitions are for the GTLV_CallBack tag *)
(* The different types of messages that a listview callback hook can see *)
lvDraw * = 0202H; (* draw yourself, with state *)
(* Possible return values from a callback hook *)
lvcbOk * = 0; (* callback understands this message type *)
lvcbUnknown * = 1; (* callback does not understand this message *)
(* states for LVDrawMsg.lvdm_State *)
lvrNormal * = 0; (* the usual *)
lvrSelected * = 1; (* for selected gadgets *)
lvrNormalDisabled * = 2; (* for disabled gadgets *)
lvrSelectedDisabled * = 8; (* disabled and selected *)
(* structure of LV_DRAW messages, object is a (struct Node * ) *)
LVDrawMsg * = STRUCT (msg *: I.Msg)
rastPort * : g.RastPortPtr; (* where to render to *)
drawInfo * : I.DrawInfoPtr; (* useful to have around *)
bounds * : g.Rectangle; (* limits of where to render *)
state * : LONGINT; (* how to render *)
base * : e.LibraryPtr;
(*--- functions in V36 or higher (Release 2.0) ---*)
* Gadget Functions
PROCEDURE CreateGadgetA *{base,- 30}(kind{0} : LONGINT;
gad{8} : I.GadgetPtr;
VAR ng{9} : NewGadget;
taglist{10} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem): I.GadgetPtr;
PROCEDURE CreateGadget *{base,- 30}(kind{0} : LONGINT;
gad{8} : I.GadgetPtr;
VAR ng{9} : NewGadget;
tag1{10}.. : u.Tag): I.GadgetPtr;
PROCEDURE FreeGadgets *{base,- 36}(gad{8} : I.GadgetPtr);
PROCEDURE SetGadgetAttrsA *{base,- 42}(VAR gad{8} : I.Gadget;
win{9} : I.WindowPtr;
req{10} : I.RequesterPtr;
taglist{11} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem);
PROCEDURE SetGadgetAttrs *{base,- 42}(VAR gad{8} : I.Gadget;
win{9} : I.WindowPtr;
req{10} : I.RequesterPtr;
tag1{11}.. : u.Tag);
* Menu functions
PROCEDURE CreateMenusA *{base,- 48}(newmenu{8} : ARRAY OF NewMenu;
taglist{9} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem): I.MenuPtr;
PROCEDURE CreateMenus *{base,- 48}(newmenu{8} : ARRAY OF NewMenu;
tag1{9}.. : u.Tag): I.MenuPtr;
PROCEDURE CreateMenusAB *{base,- 48}(newmenu{8} : NewMenuPtr;
taglist{9} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem): I.MenuPtr;
PROCEDURE CreateMenusB *{base,- 48}(newmenu{8} : NewMenuPtr;
tag1{9}.. : u.Tag): I.MenuPtr;
PROCEDURE FreeMenus *{base,- 54}(menu{8} : I.MenuPtr);
PROCEDURE LayoutMenuItemsA*{base,- 60}(firstitem{8} : I.MenuItemPtr;
vi{9} : VisualInfo;
tagList{10} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE LayoutMenuItems *{base,- 60}(firstitem{8} : I.MenuItemPtr;
vi{9} : VisualInfo;
tag1{10}.. : u.Tag): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE LayoutMenusA *{base,- 66}(firstmenu{8} : I.MenuPtr;
vi{9} : VisualInfo;
taglist{10} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE LayoutMenus *{base,- 66}(firstmenu{8} : I.MenuPtr;
vi{9} : VisualInfo;
tag1{10}.. : u.Tag): BOOLEAN;
* Misc Event-Handling Functions
PROCEDURE GetIMsg *{base,- 72}(iport{8} : e.MsgPortPtr): I.IntuiMessagePtr;
PROCEDURE ReplyIMsg *{base,- 78}(imsg{9} : I.IntuiMessagePtr);
PROCEDURE RefreshWindow *{base,- 84}(win{8} : I.WindowPtr;
req{9} : I.RequesterPtr);
PROCEDURE BeginRefresh *{base,- 90}(win{8} : I.WindowPtr);
PROCEDURE EndRefresh *{base,- 96}(win{8} : I.WindowPtr;
complete{0} : I.LONGBOOL);
PROCEDURE FilterIMsg *{base,-102}(imsg{9} : I.IntuiMessagePtr): I.IntuiMessagePtr;
PROCEDURE PostFilterIMsg *{base,-108}(imsg{9} : I.IntuiMessagePtr): I.IntuiMessagePtr;
PROCEDURE CreateContext *{base,-114}(VAR glist{8} : I.GadgetPtr): I.GadgetPtr;
* Rendering Functions
PROCEDURE DrawBevelBoxA *{base,-120}(rport{8} : g.RastPortPtr;
left{0} : LONGINT;
top{1} : LONGINT;
width{2} : LONGINT;
height{3} : LONGINT;
taglist{9} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem);
PROCEDURE DrawBevelBox *{base,-120}(rport{8} : g.RastPortPtr;
left{0} : LONGINT;
top{1} : LONGINT;
width{2} : LONGINT;
height{3} : LONGINT;
tag1{9}.. : u.Tag);
* Visuals Functions
PROCEDURE GetVisualInfoA *{base,-126}(screen{8} : I.ScreenPtr;
taglist{9} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem): VisualInfo;
PROCEDURE GetVisualInfo *{base,-126}(screen{8} : I.ScreenPtr;
tag1{9}.. : u.Tag): VisualInfo;
PROCEDURE FreeVisualInfo *{base,-132}(vi{8} : VisualInfo);
(*--- functions in V39 or higher (Release 3) ---*)
PROCEDURE GetGadgetAttrsA *{base,-0AEH}(gad{8} : I.GadgetPtr;
win{9} : I.WindowPtr;
req{10} : I.RequesterPtr;
taglist{11} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE GetGadgetAttrs *{base,-0AEH}(gad{8} : I.GadgetPtr;
win{9} : I.WindowPtr;
req{10} : I.RequesterPtr;
tag1{11}.. : u.Tag ): LONGINT;
(* $OvflChk- $RangeChk- $StackChk- $NilChk- $ReturnChk- $CaseChk- *)
(* A UserData pointer can be associated with each Menu and MenuItem structure.
* The CreateMenus() call allocates space for a UserData after each
* Menu or MenuItem (header, item or sub-item). You should use the
* GTMENU_USERDATA() or GTMENUITEM_USERDATA() macro to extract it.
PROCEDURE MenuUserData * (menu{8}: I.MenuPtr): e.APTR;
TYPE UserMenu = STRUCT (menu: I.Menu) userData: e.APTR; END;
BEGIN RETURN menu(UserMenu).userData; END MenuUserData;
PROCEDURE MenuItemUserData * (menuitem{8}: I.MenuItemPtr): e.APTR;
TYPE UserItem = STRUCT (menu: I.MenuItem) userData: e.APTR; END;
BEGIN RETURN menuitem(UserItem).userData; END MenuItemUserData;
base := e.OpenLibrary(gadtoolsName,37);
IF base#NIL THEN e.CloseLibrary(base) END;
END GadTools.